The MapifyPro Change Log


v5.1.0 – June 5, 2024

  • Fixed a PHP 8.2 warning message: “Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property … is deprecated.”
  • Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) PRO library within MapifyPro plugin from version 6.0.1 to
  • Minor CSS styling fixes
  • Tested up to WordPress 6.5.3 and PHP 8.2


v5.0.1 – May 6, 2024

  • Fixed the issue with tooltips where images were disappearing and stretching.


v5.0.0 – Jan 15, 2024

  • Updated the MapMaker client in the MapifyPro plugin.
  • Removed some map styles (Ink, Toner Background, and Toner Lite) and updated the Watercolor map style due to the shutdown of the Stamen map server.
  • Fixed a style conflict with slick-arrows.
  • Fixed the “Mapify is not defined” issue on certain WordPress sites.
  • Fixed the issue where tooltip images disappeared when the orientation was set to left.
  • Removed and updated Stamen’s map styles as their service is closing.
  • Fixed potential theme conflicts with carousel arrows.
  • Fixed an API manager issue on WordPress multisite.


v4.7.1 – Nov 17, 2023

  • Recompiled to fix compatibility errors with Yoast.


v4.6.1 – Oct 4, 2023

  • Updated PrettyRoutes functionality, making it easier for site admins to create multiple routes on a map.
  • Improved MapMaker performance with a faster server.
  • Enhanced the look and feel of admin pages.
  • Renamed PrettyRoutes to MapifyRoutes.
  • Tested up to WordPress v6.3.1.


v4.5.7 – Aug 01, 2023

  • Added 14 new map styles.
  • Enabled compatibility with the AutoOptimize plugin.
  • Loaded all fonts directly for GDPR compliance.
  • Allowed customization of the address format on the Map Location List, supporting more global address formats.
  • Enabled clearing of Map Location Links and Map Search Radius fields.
  • Set “Left (recommended)” as the default option for Tooltip Image Orientation.
  • Improved user experience when generating map tiles for custom Image Maps.
  • Enabled Facebook Video embedding in the Map Location Popup.
  • Reduced errors during MapifyPro library and dependency upgrades.


v4.4.3 – Feb 2, 2023

  • Enabled double-click-to-zoom when crowdmaps are disabled.
  • Fixed the issue where map location pop-ups didn’t automatically show for map location URLs.
  • Prevented map zooming when centering the map to a location pin.
  • Limited map zooming for both map and image modes to practical levels.


v4.4.2 – Nov 24, 2022

  • Fixed map search issues when the interactive list is set to “hide by default.”
  • Moved the “Maps” selection settings to its own section.
  • Optimized map loading so PrettyRoutes code only loads if the map contains routes.


v4.4.0 – Oct 28, 2022

  • Improved map zooming and panning speed and smoothness with our own vector maps. This also fixed issues for European site visitors. Please use these MapifyPro styles: MapifyPro Basic, MapifyPro Bright, or MapifyPro Streets.


v4.3.3 – Oct 5, 2022

  • Updated Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro within MapifyPro from v5.9.5 to v6.0.0.
  • Fixed the issue where Map Location Pins didn’t follow the default icon set for the current map.
  • Fixed the issue where search results of the “Mapify Map Selector” couldn’t be clicked if the “Default Pin Image” was set.


v4.3.2 – Jul 14, 2022

  • Added a cache buster functionality to address JavaScript caching issues.
  • Fixed issues with deleting images from the Map Location’s Image Gallery.
  • Fixed JavaScript conflicts between Lodash and Underscore on PrettyRoutes.
  • Various minor fixes.


v4.3.1 – May 12, 2022

  • Enabled selecting multiple location tags at the same time.
  • Updated the PrettyRoutes map selector to be similar to the MapifyPro Map Locations selector.
  • Allowed users to click the tooltip to open the popup when opened.


v4.3.0 – Mar 15, 2022

  • Fixed bugs related to Map Locations links.
  • Rebuilt the social share functionality, updating the position of social share icons so the popup appears centered on the page.
  • Fixed on-load tooltip on non-clustering map.
  • Removed the “Permalink” column on the admin map locations list.
  • Prevented plugin conflict with MapifyLite.
  • Resized tooltip image size for faster loading.
  • Enabled map search and filter by default.
  • Merged PrettyRoutes and CrowdMaps into MapifyPro.


v4.2.9 – Feb 15, 2022

  • Improved compatibility with WP Bakery.
  • Enhanced user experience for multi-location searches.
  • Added a feature to search for locations by name.
  • Allowed CrowdMaps submitters to edit Map Locations.
  • Changed the “capability_type” for “map-location” post type from post to “map_location” to support new CrowdMaps submitter permissions. Note: This change might affect user accessibility if default roles capabilities have been modified.


v4.2.8 – Jan 25, 2022

  • Enabled site visitors to search for multiple locations.
  • Improved UI/UX for Map Location search on the Map Edit page.
  • Fixed error messages related to wc-am-client.php.
  • Enabled automatic map locations search.
  • Fixed popup carousel height exceeding browser screen.
  • Fixed map not showing on the backend due to caching issues.


v4.2.7 – Dec 29, 2021

  • Fixed image quality loss in MapifyPro maps.
  • Set Grand Canyon as the default map location and added a Toggle Button to posts.
  • Resolved conflict with ACF Lite.
  • Prevented images from repeating in the gallery.


v4.2.6 – Dec 2, 2021

  • API improvements


v4.2.5 – Nov 25, 2021

  • Improved support for WPML


v4.2.4 – Nov 24, 2021

  • Enabled adding Map Locations to a map from within a map page.
  • Rescheduled the license checker API request to run once a week instead of twice a day.
  • Required reactivation of the MapifyPro API Key upon upgrade.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Allowed linking Map Locations directly to another page.


v4.2.1 – Oct 22, 2021

  • Version bump to bypass an upgrade bug.
  • Updated readme.txt with additional details and logs.


v4.2.0 – Oct 5, 2021

  • Fixed license expiration bug.
  • Updated readme.txt with additional details and logs.



  • Added “Multi Map” feature.
  • Added feature to auto re-activate the API key after an update.
  • Various bug fixes and minor updates.
  • Tested up to WordPress 5.8.


v4.0.0 – May 17, 2021

  • Major update from Carbon Fields to ACF.
  • Various bug fixes and updates.


v3.3.8 – March 8, 2021

  • Fixed slick console error with YouTube-only content.
  • Fixed “e.indexOf is not a function” error.
  • Fixed multiple slick JS initiations.
  • Fixed unwanted scrollbar on YouTube modal.


v3.3.7 – Jan 20, 2021

  • Fixed the Filter dropdown list.
  • Fixed map front-end search radius.
  • Fixed jQuery migrate error.


v3.3.6 – Jan 18, 2021

  • Improved search radius functionality and fixed a search bug for some users. (Also fixed the MapifyPro plugin data update issue.)


v3.3.5 – Jan 16, 2021

  • Improved search radius functionality and fixed a search bug for some users.


v3.3.4 – Dec 29, 2020

  • Fixed a Map Locations problem where they couldn’t be added/removed to Maps and where map searches didn’t work.
  • Adapted carbon JS to work with the full map list.
  • Displayed all maps by default.
  • Fixed map search issue.


v3.3.3 – Nov 15, 2020

  • Redrew the leaflet map when the map container is resized.
  • jQuery fixes.


v3.3.0 – Oct 15, 2020

  • Fixed jQuery issue with Map selection when editing Map location.


v3.2.9 – Sep 1, 2020

  • Permitted multiple Search Bias countries.
  • Fixed image slicing issue for Image Maps.
  • Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.5 by fixing deprecated jQuery references.
  • Fixed issues with the Grayscale theme.


v3.2.8 – Aug 31, 2020

  • Fixed issue in WordPress 5.5 where Map Locations couldn’t be added or removed to Maps.
  • Enabled HTTPS for the Grayscale theme.
  • Added a feature for better handling of Canadian and Brazilian postal codes.
  • Improved User Interface on the Batch Upload screen.


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