1234 Mapitty Dr.
Los Alamos
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add all of your photos to a location in a single uplaod. MapifyPro will then automatically generate thumbnails and add an interactive gallery to the location in the form of a sleek modal overlay.
1234 Mapitty Dr.
City Title Here CA 96761
Add Blog Articles to Your Maps! Click to see an example of the custom format of a blog entry that has been added to the map.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Our powerful search engine lets you specify a radius, in miles, in which location results are shown on the map after entering a search inquiry. Search by city, zipcode, and even gps coordinates for off-road locations.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Customize the color of your tooltips, pop-ups, and accent colors with our simple to use interface, which includes the ability to pick from a color picker, or enter you exact color value.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Our newly enhanced bulk uploader now creates a database of locations. Upload you .csv file of locaitons and add as many locations to your map as needed in a single upload.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Customize the color of your tooltips, pop-ups, and accent colors with our simple to use interface, which includes the ability to pick from a color picker, or enter you exact color value.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Custom image mode renders any image while emulating the familiar feel of Google Maps. Better yet, it supports nearly all of MapifyPro’s features (Only GPS features are not supported, for obvious reasons: You can literally use any image, even non-maps).
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Address, phone numbers, and external links (such as Yelp Reviews) can be added to each location as needed, as well as a button to provide directions.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Send or share a link with friends and send them directly to any location on the map. It’s also the perfect way to link to a map from your blog to highlight specific locations.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Creating new locations has never been easier with our “duplicate location” feature, which lets you duplicate a location and all of it’s settings with a single click. This keeps all photos, video, and specific settings intact for new locations.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
a href="tel:5551234567">555-123-4567
Each map gets it’s own unique shortcode for easy copy and pasting. Each shortcode is placed in clear sight on the list of maps and location list.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Each location can have a sleek pop-up gallery with a combination of video and photo galleries (Vimeo and YouTube videos are fully supported). These pop-ups will dynamically adjust to the content you add in the html-based admin section.
If you don't want to add text-based details but only a photo/video gallery, Mapifypro will automatically adapt Click "More Details" to see what we mean!
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Provide to and from directions on GPS supported devices. If not on a GPS device, MapifyPro will still supply directions “to” a location.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add images, links, directions, and other items to our html-based tooltips. This means that you can add small thumbnail images to the tooltip, shortcodes, links, and other details for a fully customized experience.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add an interactive list of locations beneath your map to provide quick previews of each location, group locations by topic, and more. It’s perfect for a store locator and allows visitors a unique way to interact with the map. This area you're looking at right now is showcasing the feature, and can be toggled on/off if needed. Click for a full list of features!
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Have a lot of locations in a single location? This feature groups locations into clusters, eliminating the clutter while making it fine to drill down to specific locations.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Style your maps exactly how you'd like in order to match your brand, or to simply get the perfect look.
Check out our new promo video for MapifyPro, which covers a few major features! Click the location to watch.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Pinch, zoom, and swipe through locations and galleries in app-like fashion through our mobile-supported maps and location galleries. MapifyPro is also 100% responsive-site ready.
Fancy new tooltips allow you to customize your maps to perfection and allow your users to get a hint to what they'll see on click. You can choose to orient the thumbnail to the left or above the tooltip text.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
MapifyPro enables a filter system with few limits. Click to check it out.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add locations to any or all of your maps in a single go. While creating a location, you choose each map you’d like it to appear on, cutting workload down and applying the location to every unique map you have on your site.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
This means you get all of the benefits of each location being just like a blog post. Each location is familiar to anyone who has created a wordpress blog, and enhances SEO (It’s an amazing way to add keywords to your site), supports 3rd party plugins like SEO by Yoast, supports any html formatting, and adds an amazing amount of flexibility.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Share any location on all popular social media sites and drive traffic to your site.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Choose your preference of mouse zoom vs. manual zoom for each map. You can also set the default zoom level of the map while centering on any of your locations, which comes in handy when you want to zoom into a specific country, city, or as close as a street corner.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
If searching for a location on a map but none are found within the search radius, MapifyPro will suggest the nearest location to your visitor, and can even provide directions.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
MapifyPro fully supports any language by translating via the popular WPML plugin.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add as many maps as needed throughout your site, whether on pages, blog posts, or even widgets. Place the map with a simple shortcode.
3545 Creekside Rd
Dayton OH 45150
Add and mix as many unique map markers as needed for each map. Assign a default map marker for the overall map (great for your most common location type), and also add specific marker graphics to any location as needed.
Click to see all of the features in list format.