My wife and I tend to only justify a vacation when it includes plenty of time exploring oceans and baking in the sun, so we decided to head south to Key West. Check out some of our adventures below by following in our footsteps as we snorkel, kayak, and imbibe our way through this awesome little town.
We follow in the footsteps of Earnest Hemmingway
We explore Woman Key on kayak. Woman key is a nature preserve where no foot can be placed, but we had a blast exploring the surrounding areas.
Watching the sun melt into the ocean is something that will never get old. Click to see the gallery of photos we collected on this amazing boat tour.
We enjoy the wildlife of the Florida Barrier reef, followed by some impressive margaritas on the boat!
Key West FL.
We stayed in a great hotel called the Southern Most Point hotel. It was a bit pricey and we were disappointed by the beach, which was filled with sea grass (no fault of the hotel of course) but otherwise found it to be a great place to stay. Click More Details for photos and, well, more details.
We were lucky enough to get this suggestion from a very friendly Lyft driver, who highly recommended this beach. We were not disappointed.
Want to share your own adventures? We used MapifyPro and PrettyRoutes to build the map above, and so can you!
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